seascape Pipestone County
Surname Links

Obituaries Connections

     All names listed must have a Pipestone County connection.  Please email your surnames to me with surname in the subject line.  Be sure and include your name, email address, residence where surname lived and date.  Thanks.  Pipestone Museum has a listing of Family Histories in their Archives, please visit their pages for additional information.

Surname Contact List

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z

ACKERMAN 1971  Marylee Jones
APPLEDORN 1800'S  C. Robert Appledorn
BAILEY 1895-1950  Patti Dillingham
BELTZ/BELTS 1800'S  Sue Rogge
BLAIR, BRUMM 1900-1930 Trosky Deidre Badker
CARSON   Olive Rathburn
COFOED 1916  Tina Kelly
CONWAY 1880's-1950 Woodstock Phyllis Zane
DAGEL 1890-1965 Pipestone James Hutchinson
DANIELS 1890 Pipestone, Woodstock Nancy Trvag
DAVIS 1902 Altona Twp. Tammy Stuart
FEY 1921-1981 Edgerton Ethelyn Fey
GOODWIN     Sandy Dennis
HERBERG     judyr1918@aol.coma>
HENDREN 1868-193 Woodstock Geroge W. Hendren Sr.
HITCHCOX 1899 Troy Twp. Jody Bevers
HUNTER 1895-1970 Elmer TownshipEthelyn Fey
JANSSEN 1920 Woodstock Nancy Trvag
KRAUS 1910 Woodstock Scott T. Kraus
LEQUEE 1852  Bill Peck
LETTOW 1879 Pommern Janice Gifford
MARLIER, VAN LAERE    Matt Marlier
McCLELLAND    Thomas C Bruski
McMAHON 1880's-1900 Woodstock Phyllis Zane
MIKKELSON 1914 Rock Twp Carol C. Eddleman
MUILENBURG 1650-1971 Edgerton Brian Ward
NATHE 1910-1950  Graham Hanson
OLSON 1944-1995  Ethelyn Fey
PAGE 1890 Preston Twp. Alfred W. Page
PARADIS  Pipestone K. D. Lewis
PARSLEY  Parsley Bridge Ronn Parsley
PECK 1878-1902  Bill Peck
PENCE, KNAPP 1800'S  Charles Pence
ROBINSON    Robert Robinson
SHEPPARD     Sandy Dennis
SOULES 1880-1910 Woodstock Phyllis Jackson
STEIGER 1912  Chris Steiger
SWENDSEN (SVENDSEN) 1914 Aetna Twp Carol C. Eddleman
TADD  Pipestone Kevin Tadd
THIELE 1920's Pipestone John Tendall
TOLSMA 1880-Present Edgerton Brian Ward
VAN TASSEL 1880-1910 Woodstock Phyllis Jackson
WESTENBERG 1820-Present Edgerton Brian Ward
WIESE 1898 Holland Wilbur R. Liebenow
WILLIAMS  Civil War Vet Rick Campbell
WOLFF    Alice Weber


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