God and the Soldier,
all men adore
in time of strife,
and not before
When the danger is past,
all wrongs arighted
God is forgotten,
the Old Soldier slighted.

an anonymous soldier
under the Duke of Marlborough
circa 1705

Pipestone County Military
Links and Information

Minnesota Veterans, Photos and short bios of men
who served from Pipestone County, Minnesota.


     I know there are many more wars or conflicts than I have listed here.   I often see postings asking for the dates of specific wars or conflicts, I have listed many of them here.  If there is one you would like included, please contact me.  If there were any conflicts fought in Pipestone County, I would like to include them also.


War or Conflict Dates
Revolutionary War 1775 - 1783
Civil War 1861 - 1865
Spanish American War 1898
World War I 1914 - 1918
World War II 1939-1945
Korean Conflict 1950 - 1953
Vietnam Conflict 1957 - 1973
Desert Storm


bluestars.gif (2091 bytes)

Those listed below are Pipestone County men and women who served our country.   Some served in a military unit while others provided service to our country during war time. Branch or Service listed below means military branch or type of service your family member gave to their country, such as air raid warden, USO volunteer, etc.   As you can see we need your help to fill the table below.  Send your information, with military service in the subject line, I will add your information to the list.  Click on the stars above to send email. 

Those Who Served



James Louis Hendren


  Company G  8th MN Regiment

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