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Pipestone High School Graduates

     Thanks to K. D. Lewis for sending this listing of Pipestone High School Graduates.  The year 1941 was a memorable one for Pipestone High School alumni.  That was the year the school noted its 50th anniversary. In the annual of  that year, a list of graduates beginning with the first class of 1891, was published.
    If you have family that attended Pipestone High School and would like to have them included, please send their names to ME.  If they did not graduate, I will make a special page.
     This listing is not complete, I will be adding the rest of the names as I receive them. Thanks for your patience as we complete the list.


Class of 1891
William P. Dyer
William F. Ewert
Kathryn M. French
William J. Mackay
Class of 1892
Joseph F. Clewett
Albert Hart
Class 1893
No graduates
Class of 1894
Mamie Weeks
Maude Walker
Class of 1895
No graduates
Class of 1896
Myra Link
Class of 1897
Mary Elizabeth Best
D.Seward Bay Dyer
Ethel A. George
Albert P. Grunn
Clara B. Link
Alexander G. McKnight
Willis R. Morton
Mabel Pike
William E. Rutter
Fred C. Smith
Leon B. Smith
Mabel I. Walker
J. Roland Ware
Arthur C. Walker
Pascal H. Ware
Class of 1898
Janette B. Best
Paul F. Brown
Adelaide E. Clayton
Florence M. Gilmore
Charles O. Goodnow
Fred S. Hanson
Samuel A. Hatch
Alexander L. Janes
Grace L. Payne
Henry Searl
E. Estelle Smith
Edith P. Whitehead
Grace M. Wilson
Jonathan A. Morris
Carrie M. Ober
Burl S. W. Patten
Class of 1899
Jewett Albee
M. Eden Albee
Ida B. Carr
Ralph G. Hart
I. Blaine King
Margaret A. Link
Louise K. Marshall
LaBelle E. Pike
Pratt M. Serrurier
Jennie Stuart
Class of 1900
Ernest E. Argetainger Warrington Brown
Lewis Buell
Marions L. Farmer 
Daisy Morton
Libbie Nuttle
Warren Stillwell
Class of 1901
Myrtle E. Akers
Garfield W. Brown
Gertrude E. Carey
Charles C. Clayton
S. Edwin Clement
Clieminnie R. Conant
Ina I. Connant
Laura F. Dunneker
Howard V. Dyer
M. Irma George
Suzie I. James
Lily M. Long
Charlotte L.Link
J. Edna Milliren
Dot P. Morris
Charles W. Nuttle
Mabelle A. Plank
Roy F. Smith
Jessie E. Walkup
Daisey R. Witcombe
Class of 1902
Lura Cutting
L. Pearl Green
Kittie G. Hart
Fannie I. Harrington
Bertha Oleson
E. Faye Patten
Lulu H. Reed
Warren Stearns
Maude Taylor
Class of 1903
G. Winifred Bartlett

Edward P. Cady
Florence Cady
Agnes M. Carley
Margaret G. Cawley

Mabel S. Craig
Mayme Davey
Kittie A. Davies
Evan J. Evans
Flora A. Evans
Carrie S. Harrison
Margaret M. Hines
Allie I. Humble
Rebecca Loomis
R. Ernest McDonald
Mary E. Milliren
Charles H. Morton
G. Hommer Morton
Halbert C. Parker
Margaret K. Stanton
Gale K. Stanton
Gale N. Walker
Samuel D. Young
Class of 1904
Olivia G. Anderson

Elsie Argetsinger
Leslie Argetsinger
Milo O. Brush
Murray Cadwell

Desmona Ervin
Clara R. Fish
Sarah E. Fisk
Hazel M. Funk
David W. George

Grace E. Hall
Jessie L. Milliren
William T. Morgan
F.Adah Nash
Walter Paulsen
Emory C. Rebmap
Mary Ryan
Rose Selzer
Clarence M. Stearns
Irwin Sullivan
Mayne Taylor
Olivette Van Scotter
Grace Witcombe
Belle Woodman
Class of 1905
Flora Ames
Mabelle Brown

Pearl Bunn
Byrdella Cady
Emma Clark
Grace Craig
Eugernia Cunningham
Mabel Cunningham
Hazel Denhart
Alma Farmer
William Fisk

Frances Harrison
Vera Hitchcox
Mabel Horr
Elizabeth Jones
Jennie Jones

Floretta McAllister
Pearl A. Nash
Ethel E. Revel
Florence Schrader
John Schapler
Alton Stillwell
Emma Woodman
Class of 1906
Ella Delaney

Jennie DeHart
Gertrude Evans
George P. Gurley
Alice Henderson
Elizabeth Hines
Lottie Howe
William Langfitt
Lillian Markel
Rolfe Marsh

Marjorie Nichols
Lena Phillips
George Webster Plank
Clara Pratt
Sarah A. Robinson
Lenna Stevens
Blanche Walker
Class of 1907
Mae DeHart

James Dougherty
Laura Haney
Florence B. Huston
Edith Johnson
Vinlet Markel

Howard Ober
Elwin Olderr
Harry Schapler
Mabel Swan
Jane Taylor
Class of 1908
Mary J. Argetainger

Maude Blanchard
Blanche I. Carr
Leila M. Clayton
Florence M. Crawford

Ray E. Denhart
Gladys Evans
Alice C. Hagedorn
Myrtle I. Harrison
Isom W. Haskill
Aura M. Hitchcox
Maude M. Howes
Earle D. Jenekes
Lydia Lange
Anna K. McCaffrey
Floyd A. Neffeler
Nellie R. Patterson
Joseph I. Rasque
Bessie M. Reiger
J. Margaret Simenson
Arthur H. Studenmaier
Ella A. Stearns
Ruth J. Taylor
Leola F. Walkup
Rebecca D. Walkup
Class of 1909
Earl Bartling

Della Beck
Phila C. Caulking
Hazel Cogswell
Mattie DeHart;
Edward Denhart

Helen Denhart
Nellie Dodd
Barbara Dougherty
Florence Ewing
Gertrude Ford
Myrtle I. Garret
Blanche Gilmore
Inez Gilmore
Floyd E. Kufus
Ada Markel
Jennie M. Mellom
Alma P. Nichols
Mary O'Connell
Bertha Phillips

Anna V. Powers
Elbert Taylor
Class of 1910
Oscar Ashton

Mary Bailey
Mary Fish
Clifton H. Frank
Martha Friedrich
Eula Gaither

Fannie Harper
Daisy Lawrence
Katherine Liebenstein
Nina C. Marsh
Persis Nichols
Letta G. Nims
Burt Raymond
Arthur Stillwell

Mary Walkup
Rhea Zabokrtsky
Class of 1911
Winnifred Argetsinger

Ralph Boomer
Floyd Brown
Olive Brown
William J. Brush
Arthur Drew
Clifton Frank
Elsie M. Franz
Hasel Gilmore
Eloise Haney
Ruth Hines
Myrtle Long
Margaret McCaffrey
Myrtle Milliren
Lillian O'Connell
Frank Powers
Ruth V. Slagg
Walter Staudemaier
Alice Stearns
Grace Vickerman

Ila Wells
Class of 1912
Alma Anderson

Ruby Armstrong
Roxie Brown
Cleo Buck
Clara C. Calking
Ruth Chattelle
John Craig
Mamie Harrison
Neil Kiester
Mary King
Alice Lowe
William Lowe

Ruth McMillan
Lois Milliren
Walter Monk
Ellen O'Connell
Erma Quarton

Irma Schaeffer
Fred L. Schaple
Class of 1913
Flora Arrowsmith

George Atkinson
Florence Bills
Herbert Brush
Florence Cronk
Paul Cunningham
Mary Dougherty
William Dowdell
Grace Glover
Cora Heersema
Nita Lange
Lawrence Meacham
Theophilus Meckel
Edna Neffeler
Lois Nichols

P. Benedict O'Connell
Winifred Pease
Neva Pond
Nelle Ryan
Berenice Sellers

Velva Totman
Class of 1914
Madeleine Atkinson

Alma Beck
Lyle Bills
Sophia Blanchard
Alma Borreson
Dorothy Chesley

Esther Cogswell
Erma Cotton
Mayne Crossman
Florence Dingler
Alma Evans
Harriet Evans
Lloyd Evans
Jeanette Fish
Lois Gaither
Gladys Glover

Nellie Jaycox
Ruth Markel
Robert McCallum
Mildred M. Morgan
Genevieve Pearson
Marion Reader
Laura Stover
Hazel Woodhall
Class of 1915
Louis Treffy Authier

Armina Belle Blanchard
Esther Helen Breiholz
Josephine Emma Brickert

Ozni Carver Brown
Donald W. Cheslev
George Ellsworth Denhart Merredith Evans
Edward Even
Cecile Phoebe Forrest
Axis Milward Gilmore
Lucille M. Halpin
Mark H. Haney
Albert Russell Howard
Pearl Leona Jackson

Byrma Elizabeth Jones
Anna H. Johnston
Joyce F. Johnston
Harry A. Kirkham
Margaret Lowe
Darrell William Mackay
Vera Marie Martin
Blanche Elizabeth McGowan Alice Elizabeth Murphy
A.J. Franklyn Newcomer
John Easton Robson
Stuart S. Rockey
Althea Fern Schrader
James Leo Waite
Daisy Wakefield
Benjamin Franklin Wechsler Hellen Louise Willard
Mable Florence Wilson.
Class of 1916
Nora Catherine Adams

Grace AnnChattelle
Ethel V. Cotton
Ruth C. Cutting
Ruth I. Danneker

Bonnie Isolette Davies
M. Todd Evans
Emil S. Frick
Edwain T. Gaither

Charles B. Howard
Irene Ann Kerr
Etta V. Lange
R. Caroline Larson
Alma M. Louthan
Lola E. Park
Dora Mildred Pearson
Beth R. Peterson
Irene Marguerite Petersen Madeleine Jean Reader
J. Gilbert Schwartz
Grant W. Sommerville
Harold J. Sommerville
Florence Elizabeth Swan Gertrude M. Tanck
Shirlie C. Telford
Anna M. Westergaard
Class of 1917
Catherine B. Arrowsmith

Bertha C. Becker
Walter W. Becker
Albert E. Bobzin
Ralph W. Boeder
Doris Louise Brose; Lucille Marie Brose
Robert Westone Brose
Bessie M. Buck
Carol Ellis Cotton
Ruth Elizabeth Cunningham
Robley D. Evans

Lenore Manila Everson
Ida M. Ginzel
Harold E. Glover
Harry L. Hess

Paul E. Howard
Willard Rex Jaycox
Laura K. Jefferis
Ardith I. Kiester
Florence Violet Langri Winnifred Gladys Loy
M. Gertrude Louthan
Iva E. McCallum
Weir W. McQuoid
Lena E. Meyer
Mary Veronica Minnehan
Lulu Ella Mitchell
Ruth Florence Morgan
Vira Edithe Morgan
Mary A. Murphy
Leonard Niewendorp
Rose Sara O'Neill
Arlie M. Pease
Ruth Evelyn Plank
Mildred Mae Riley
Elveneta Rogers
Anna L. Ryan
Gertrude Schoolmeester
Mary C. Sommerville
A. Louis Steinberg
Margaret Ann Telford
Nampa Thiel

Eva Grace Wakefield
Bertha J. Yseth
Class of 1918
Howard Robert Alton

Genevieve A.Argetsinger
Frances Isabell Baldwin
Helena L. Buseman

Harold Butcher
Leslie Reed Colvin
Walter Kyrwood Cook
Marguerite G. Daugherty

France M. Doyen
Edmund Sydney Frahm
Frank F. Frahm
Maymie L. Hatfield
Minna Mathilda Jessen
Ida M. Johannsen
Genevieve C. Keeler
Jasper F. Keeler
Esther Irene Liebenstein Muriel C. Loy
Duncan Paul Lowe
Doris Helan Mutz
Helen Esther Reagan
John Hollister Roe
Dean LeRoi Swanson
Elizabeth Marie Trageser
Lulu P. Wiegart
Francis Phillips Whyte
Class of 1919
Emil F. C. Backstrom
Bernard John Becker
Neva Eulia Robzin
Pearl L. Boehmke
Vera Edna Boehmke
Mary Belle Brown
Gertrude M. Buseman
D. Pearl Cronk
William J. Crook
Clifford E. Gilliland
Isabell B. Griffin
Mabel Duella Haebeck
Mary M. Haubrich
Grace I. Heiney
Mabel M. Iverson
Mabel Jaycox
Fern Belle Jeffris
Kenneth L. Julson
Hazel L. Kaufman
Helen M. Kaufman
Gertrude W. Ludke
Rudolph W. Lundberg
Howard J. McCallum
Ruth Mildred Nash
Vera Anne Petersen
Harry E. Pierce
Olive D. Pierce
John Wilbur Prentice
Lila M. Rogers
Dorothy M. Schwartz
M. Liona Sellers
Elmer F. Sindt
Ruth E. Telford
Vernon J. Relford
Roland S. Tofflemire
Mary Gertrude Totman
June E. Walkup
Alverna C. Wietjes
Carrie Candee Winter
Mildred A.I. Wohlford

Gladys I. Wolfe
Alma B. Yseth

Class of 1920
Stuart R. Carson

Ethel Loreine Chaney
John W. Colvin
Mary Elizabeth Crook
Rena Doyen

Floyd M. Feldman
Elmer J. Franz
John David Gaither
Roy A. Gano
Margaret I. Grabseheid
Alice Evelyn Hillard
Harriet Luella Hitchcox
Hazel S. Hitchcox

Harriet Pauline Howard
Roy W. Johnston
Mildred R. Julson
Walter Lange
Myrtle L. Langri
Raymond H. Loy
S. Elizabeth Lynn
Mildred I. Marquardt

Edwain G. Mereness
Grace Minnehan
John J. Minnhan
John S. Morrison

Luella F. Newell
Floyd C. Park
Clifford O. Polmaieer
Irma I. Rogers

Marian F. Rutz
Mildred Ellis Slagg
Agnes T. Sommerville
Mildred Steinberg

Alice C. Tibbetts
Charles H. Watts
Sophia M. Westergard
Verra Alma Shitney

Ethel E. Wohlford
George Zimmer
Mina C. Zobel
Class of 1921
Kenneth A. W. Backstrom

Howard E. Bidom
Gladys Gertrude Boeder
Maysel E. Bowman
Iva Grace Bradley
Florence A. Britt
Elsa A. Brockstedt
Janet Stuart Brown
Ruth M. Bryce
Ida Alys Butcher
William M. Carrigan
Ted W. Chapman
Alice V. Duhlmeier
Meredith G. Halpin
Alva W. DeHart
Eva Deliah Fields
Orpha May Fields
Goldier Giles
Ruth I. Gorseth
Grace Lillian Hart
Philip H. Heersema

Mildred E. Hess
Beatrice G. Hoog
Floyd J. Indall
Louis H. Jepsen
Zelda Kennedy
Genevieve June Lepper
Gladys Irene Lessin
Llewelyn L. Lovausl

Milton R. Lundberg
Edwin Marchant
William T. McGillivray
Nellie Mae Merrill
Esther Mitchell
Flora H. Mitchell
Trygve R. Newberg
Rose Ellen Newell
Hulda Emelia Pahl
Herbert C. Petschow
Beva Ione Pilling
Glen A. Ranheim
Ihla Ruth Reaney
Myrtle Natalie Simenson
Walter Whitney Richardson Pearl L. Rokes

Ellen Marie Shuffer
Olga Marie Skailand
Catherine Frances Turnbull Lucy Winston Whigam
Fred H. Yseth
Class of 1922
Irene Aldrich

Myrtle M. Bradley
Winnifred L. Bowman
George Rifer Brush
Roy Wallace Boehmke

Hildred Viola Crawford
Evelyn Carson
Hazel A. DeBall
Villa Kitterman Destiehe Violet E. Dahlmeier

Annie Deuth
William Walter Dingler
Herbert Franklyn Earhart Theodore E. Fellows
Lillian E. Ekern
Wilbur T. Geary

Lawrence willard Grier
Glenn T. Gilbertson
Marion C. Griffin
Elbert Stuart Hartwick
Lorin D. Hargrove
Irene M. Heesch
Loretta Iona Iverson
Inda Loverna Johnson
Albert F. Johannsen
Gertrude Jaycox
Paul Abraham Lincoln

Meta E. Martin
Cecelia Elsie Meyer
Susan C. Pesehon
Wilma M. Persinger
Willis Addison Plank
Laura S. Rath
Esther N. Robinson
Elmer William Stolte
Bernice Dorothy Steinke
Esther Shafer
Floyd J. Telford
Harry R. Triem, Jr
Gertrude Mona Turnbull Marjorie Louise Veach
Jack L. Van Volkenburg
Lillian Lucille Wakefield
Edna Albertine Whitney



Other known Graduates



Archie Leroy Bailey   
Laura Ethal Bowhall   
Mildred Bailey      
Ethel Bailey     

abt 1923-24
unknown date

 High School Alumni - Keeping People Together For Years To Come
